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22 Juli 2013


Kepada, Yth : Alumni SGO Negeri Sumedang

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.

Tak terasa sudah hampir SEPEREMPAT ABAD kita berpisah.. Masih banyak kenangan yang tersisa. Dan untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi persahabatan diantara semua teman, kami ingin mengadakan acara reuni ALUMNI SGO NEGERI SUMEDANG, yakni pada:
Hari / tanggal :  Minggu  / 11 Agustus 2013
 Pukul : 08.00 WIB - selesai 
Tempat : Rumah Eyang KARMA  Desa Licin Kec Cimalaka Kab Sumedang
Acara : “Berbagi Cinta Menggapai Cita Dalam Indahnya Silaturahmi

Kontribusi :
a..Rp ................,-/org,  
b.  Rp. ..................,- pasutri
c. Rp. ..................,- Pasutri +buah hati
d. Bagi yang TIDAK BISA HADIR kontribusi Rp. 250.000/org
Kontak person :
1. Uhana Juhanta 082127123321
2. Dadang Lili 085222979688 
3. Eyang Karma 085222453539 
Kami harap teman-teman bersedia hadir di acara tersebut membawa serta pasangan dan buah hati. Konfirmasi keikutsertaan kami tunggu selambat-lambatnya 1 Agustus 2013.Biaya dapat ditransfer melalui bank BJB 0017577824100 unit Wado a/n Dadang Lili. Mohon konfirmasi pada panitia jika  sudah melakukan transfer.Terima kasih banyak atas segala perhatiannya dan ditunggu kehadirannya. 

Wasalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Panorama Jatinangor 
Nana  Suryana

Apakah anda kenal nama rekan kita dari photo berikut ini? . . .

2. Asal dari Hariang ? . ..............
3. Asal dari Kasongambang Situraja ? . . . . . .

  1. NANA SURYANA = 081 322 573 273 Perum Panorama Jatinangor RT 01 RW 21 Blok Q 48  Ds Cinanjung Kec. Tanjungsari Kab. Sumedang
  2. APIT = 081 322 144 699
  3. CUCU = 081 213 034 715 Perum Bojong Lestari Blok CH 13 RT 01 RW 17 Ds Pabuaran Kec Bojong Gede Kab Bogor
  4. DADANG = 085 222 979 668
  5. DAHLAN = 082 318 284 609
  6. EET = 081 318 880 872 ---------- Vila Tanggerang Indah Blok CB 4no 6 RT 10 RW 10 Kel Gebang Raya Kec Periuk Tanggerang Banten
  7. ETI = 085 224 980 580
  8. KARMA = 085 222 453 539
  9. KARSA = 082 119 454 518
  10. MEDIANA = 085 222 711 297
  11. RAHYA = 085 294 955 603
  12. RUDI = 081 214 511 721   Dusun Surian Wetan RT 02 / RW 02 Ds. Surian Kec. Surian Kab. sumedang 45393
  13. SUHANDA = 085 314 949 590
  14. SUHENDA = 085 224 707 489
  15. SUHENDAR = 083 879 859 846 -------- Jln Abdul Ghani Kp Cilodong RT 05 RW 03 N0 100 Kota depok Jawa Barat
  16. SURADI = 085 220 642 679
  17. TATANG = 081 221 197 291
  18. BARNA = 085 280 902 399 Kampung Cileuweung RT 9 RW 2 DS Jalatrang Kec. Cilebak Kab. Kuningan (dari Sumedang-wado-bantarujeg-talaga-cikijing-cipasung-subang-jalatarang)
  19. IWAN = 085 612 386 94 ------- Jln Raden Fatah Gg H. Tossin RT 01 RW 07 Kp Dukuh Kel Sudirman Selatan Kec Ciledug Kota Tanggerang Banten
  20. MAMIT = 081 322 554 162
  21. ONO = 081314842624
  22. AMIRUL = 081257399739
  23. ATEP = 082316647243
  24. DIDI = 081322182425
  25. ENDANG = 085216082122 / 081383374896
  26. ENUNG = 085795733383 ------ Jatihandap Regncy Kp Sirnagalih Ds Cileuweung Kec Cicadas Kota Bandung
  27. JUEAN = 081385972664
  28. RATNA = 081221863642 Babakan Bandung RT 18 RW 09 No 57 Kel Dangdeur Kec Subang Kab Subang
  29. SITI HAJAR = 08212710100
  30. UHAN JUHANTA = O8217123321
  31. UUS = 085317940660
  32. YAYA = 081210279095 -------- Kp Ciburuy RT 04 RW 01 Ds Ciburuy Kec Cigombong Kab Bogor
  33. YOYO =082315029157 ------- Dago Patrol RT 15 RW 03 Ds Cimeuhmal Kec Tanjungsiang Kab Subang Jawa Barat

15 Juli 2013


What hukum'y seek personal gain with selling the name of the community?Is it within the category of corruption msk???Husband, son, son in law, sister, sister in-law, son Raise It became candidates, here's an idea of ​​democracy in the middle of the country brantah,,Truth is certainly based on religious law, based on the philosophy of truth is relative, it depends on the interests of truth in politics, the truth is there is nothing for the common people, the truth was just the hope of the slave position.Education, health and infrastructure Just Be Political Issues. Means that during this time, people just given issue doang,, reality is only concerned with the interests of stakeholders and the political faction,,When rulers yellow, yellow bandwagon. Regime change to turn blue, blue genuine cadres admit it. Red ruler, he told me I was never out of the red markings. Does not have a position. That is the character of a true sycophant.Rarely do people sacrifice themselves for the crowds. Most people would rather sacrifice the many for the benefit of himself,,Differences in thinking, is actually a real example of human intellectual property. With the difference that we can complement each otherDifferences in thinking, is actually a real example inteltual human wealth. With the difference that we can complement each other.CBOs attitude spokesperson on behalf of Islam was the enemy of democracy. Presence is very dangerous for a pluralist country like Indonesia. This highly civilized nation, not a barbarian. Propaganda Prophet Muhammad exemplified are very gentle and can be accepted by all circles. Do not talk to Amar Ma'Ruf nahyi Munkar that control appetite by itself can not.Do not wait for it to come taqdir God. But it should be greeted with taqdir hard work. If from now on we just laze around, it is not impossible we've ditaqdirkan as people fail.Anyone would've made a mistake. Although different sizes. Because of the lives we live only an option. Sometimes we choose a way of life that is not entirely true. The great people quickly realized the mistake, and do the best that such errors are not repeated.Let's see, what year Ramadan will affect politics?. Such as politics polite, do not sling blasphemous, accept differences and ultimately forgive each other. Or conversely, the politics that affects Ramadan?. Blessing, and a reward of goodness will disappear because diasaat Ramadan Ramadan still blasphemy, character assassination and forcing the will.Every human being must believe, no one is the One who rules the world. There is a great power that defeated the power of the universe. Even if the person is an atheist. That is the light of faith,,This discussion should not be concerned when feasible and whether ideology Pancasila became the nation. Because it was already done by the founders of this nation. Current discussion should be the extent of Pancasila as the national ideology, were able to answer the nation's democracy, ignorance and poverty, be a deterrent acts of corruption, into the spirit of tolerance pruralitas nation, and prevent anarchism.Every great achievement achievedthrough thousands of small steps.People who think thatthey are too great to dolittle things are the ones whomay be too small to be askeddo great things.
Small steps if donecan make a big difference.In a small chanceusually there is an opportunitylarge.

04 Juli 2013


Asalamu'alaikum wr wb

Salam Sejahtera buat kiat semua, puluhan tahun kita tak berjumpa namun entah dimana dan bagimana kabar beritanya? hanya saya bisa berdoa buat semua ALUMNI SGO NEGERI SUMEDANG mudah-mudahan Allah SWT memberikan keselamatan, kesehatan, kekuatan, keimanan, ketaqwaan juga senanantiasa sejatera lahir-bathin, 
Seandaianya kita diberikan keleluasaan hati, umur panjang dan rijki yang melimpah rasanya ingin seluruh alumni dikumpulkan  mengadakan REUNI AKBAR, namun entahlah bagaimana caranya belum bisa terpikirkan. Tapi dalam waktu dekat saya akan merintis pertemuan Insya Allah akan dilaksanakan :

H a r i : Minggu
Tanggal: 7 Juni 2013
Pukul:  10.00 WIB
Tempat : rumah KARSA  Desa Cipeundeuy Kec Wado (Jatinunggal) Kab Sumedang
A c a r a :
  1. Menyusun Kepengurusan Alumni
  2. Merumuskan Agenda Kerja Tahunan
  3. Merancang Bakti Sosial dan Penggalangan Bantuan Kemanusiaan
  4. Ramah Tamah dan Mancung Mania
  5. Wisata Ziarah 

  1.  ACENG     085 221 245 692
  2. APIT SUPRIATNA      085 351 641 247
  3. ATEP TAJUDIN      085 321 727 342
  4. BARNA      085 280 902 399
  5. CUCU LATIFAH      081 213 034 715
  6. DADANG LILI     085 222 979 688
  7. DAHLAN     082 318284 609
  8. DIDI     081 320 019 940
  9. EET ROHAETI      081 318  880 872
  10. ETI     085 224 980 580
  11. IWAN    085 612 386 94
  12. KARMA 085 222 453 539
  13. KARSA     082 119 454 518
  14. MAMIT     081 322 554 162
  15. MEDIANA     085 222 711 297
  16. NATA      087 726 165 361
  17. RAHYA    085 294 955 603
  18.  RUDI NAHRUDIN      081 214 511 721
  19. SUHANDA     085 314 949 590
  20. SUHENDA     085 224 707 489
  21. SUHENDAR     081 212 523 704
  22. SURADI    085 220 642  679
  23. TATANG     081 221 197 291
  24. UHAN     082 127 123 321
  25. UUS     085 317 940 660
  26. YOYO     085 723 664 353